viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011

Zumba brings the dance party into the health club

Zumba, the Latin-inspired dance workout that is more like a wild party scene than a strict exercise regiment, has salsaed into the top 10 fitness trends for the coming year, according to a report being released Thursday by the American College of Sports Medicine.

"Zumba has experienced a rapid surge in popularity in the past year, but we'll see if it's a trend or just a fad," says lead author Walter Thompson , a professor of exercise science at Georgia State University.

The survey, conducted since 2007, is designed to identify trends in areas ranging from career opportunities to groups of people being targeted to specific workouts and to help the fitness industry make business decisions for the future. ACSM surveyed more than 2,600 fitness professionals to compile the top 20 fitness trends for 2012. A total of 37 potential trends were given as choices.
Top 10 fitness trends:

1. Educated and experienced
2. Strength training
3. Fitness programs for older adults
4. Exercise and weight loss
5. Children and obesity
6. Personal training
7. Core training
8. Group personal training
9. Zumba and other dance workouts
10. Functional fitness (for older adults)

Source: American College of Sports Medicine /

ArturoRodriguez, MD
Phone: 011-52-81-8378-3177

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